Do I dare think that I will be able to solve this question that so many have tried to answer before me (and all of them have been endowed with such better faculties that mine)? Why then have I chosen this topic? While I may definitely not be able to settle the debate that I have decided to rake up here, I will answer the later question. It is just a last ditch attempt to salvage some pride by adding an entry to my blog. While I do not credit myself with being a penner of any great importance but I have definitely been able to enthrall most of my English teachers through school with my compositions at the drop of a hat. The trend did continue through college where I contributed with great enthusiasm and zeal to most of the mags that circulated in the campus. So it was with much glee that I opened up this blogging account hoping to fill reams and reams of megabytes with my thoughts. But supposedly the electric medium does not quite agree with me. So I have kind of hit a writer’s block (if I can legitimately use that phrase for my caliber) for the past few months with the result that the blog has been mostly ruminating blank. So thought why not start with something simple to bring back the spark. And what could be easier than our dear Ol’ Almighty?
So who is this great person (just to be politically correct) that we turn to at every nook and corner of our lives? Some say God is the supreme human being, the one man/woman capable of doing all that is natural and supernatural, the supreme commander of all the forces good or evil, the ruler of the entire Universe and any other if they exist, in short he/she is THE ONE. Some others have remarked that God is formless and shapeless and any attempt to classify as him or her is fruitless. God is nothing but the pure energy. They go so far as to enlist Einstein (yes the great man himself) as one of their chief protagonists who so famously declared that all matter is eventually convertible completely to energy. So this school of thought is quite scientific in declaring that God is indeed the one single control centre of all the energy that flows in the entire Universe and all the parallel ones that may or may not exist. So it is but natural that this source of energy controls the course and flow of all other matter that dares to stamp its existence in its presence. And then there are of course the pesky agnostics who have so rebelliously declared that there is after all no such supreme majestic being or force who can lay claim to authority over all shapes and forms that exist here. In short they have said THERE IS NO GOD.
So am I trying to take sides here and point out which school of thought is correct and which is not? Am I that off my rocker that I am even trying to hazard a guess at that? I assure you that I have no such fascination or inclination. The reason I am writing is not to doubt or confirm HIS presence but to ask why in a personal frame of reference. Why is it that I want him to exist or not to exist? What will happen to me if he does or doesn’t have a presence?
We as human beings are quite fickle creatures and I daresay no one would challenge me there. So it is quite natural for us to fall prey to our petty natures and make numerous mistakes. I would sincerely be hard pressed to find a single individual who claims to be above the need for absolution and still be made of the same blood and flesh that governs my constitution. But what is happening to me here? Why did I suddenly take refuge in the comfort of the plurality of humans instead of referring to my singular follies? Didn’t being part of a larger mass of failing individuals give me a valid reason for my mistakes, something like a passport to failure? After all I did start the inquisition for my personal reference. That is exactly the reason I feel that I need the higher being to exist. To take the blame for all my shortcomings. I don’t know about others but I feel very comforted by the thought that I can look heavenward at every small mistake I make and transfer the blame for my inadequacy.
The same is true for the opposite situation also. I would also like to have someone seated at the supreme pedestal whom I can thank for all the successes in life in the hope that I will continue to receive his graces in future and scale new heights. It kind of gives me hope for future successes to know that today God is on my side.
So while my rational mind tells me that this belief in God at least for me stems from my inner need to depend on someone and that this need would go away if I had been emotionally more independent, the same consciousness is also blessed for the fact that there is this refuge in my mind that I can turn to for anything and everything that happens to me and emerge a stronger individual after a conversation with him/her. So do I really need to answer the question for any piece of mental satisfaction? I guess not. He might be real or he may be a figment of my imagination; He may be energy or he may just be the same nucleolar composition as me; He might be present on this world or on the next or not at all. The fact of the matter is I don’t really care as long as I can still utter those divine words – OH MY GOD!!
So who is this great person (just to be politically correct) that we turn to at every nook and corner of our lives? Some say God is the supreme human being, the one man/woman capable of doing all that is natural and supernatural, the supreme commander of all the forces good or evil, the ruler of the entire Universe and any other if they exist, in short he/she is THE ONE. Some others have remarked that God is formless and shapeless and any attempt to classify as him or her is fruitless. God is nothing but the pure energy. They go so far as to enlist Einstein (yes the great man himself) as one of their chief protagonists who so famously declared that all matter is eventually convertible completely to energy. So this school of thought is quite scientific in declaring that God is indeed the one single control centre of all the energy that flows in the entire Universe and all the parallel ones that may or may not exist. So it is but natural that this source of energy controls the course and flow of all other matter that dares to stamp its existence in its presence. And then there are of course the pesky agnostics who have so rebelliously declared that there is after all no such supreme majestic being or force who can lay claim to authority over all shapes and forms that exist here. In short they have said THERE IS NO GOD.
So am I trying to take sides here and point out which school of thought is correct and which is not? Am I that off my rocker that I am even trying to hazard a guess at that? I assure you that I have no such fascination or inclination. The reason I am writing is not to doubt or confirm HIS presence but to ask why in a personal frame of reference. Why is it that I want him to exist or not to exist? What will happen to me if he does or doesn’t have a presence?
We as human beings are quite fickle creatures and I daresay no one would challenge me there. So it is quite natural for us to fall prey to our petty natures and make numerous mistakes. I would sincerely be hard pressed to find a single individual who claims to be above the need for absolution and still be made of the same blood and flesh that governs my constitution. But what is happening to me here? Why did I suddenly take refuge in the comfort of the plurality of humans instead of referring to my singular follies? Didn’t being part of a larger mass of failing individuals give me a valid reason for my mistakes, something like a passport to failure? After all I did start the inquisition for my personal reference. That is exactly the reason I feel that I need the higher being to exist. To take the blame for all my shortcomings. I don’t know about others but I feel very comforted by the thought that I can look heavenward at every small mistake I make and transfer the blame for my inadequacy.
The same is true for the opposite situation also. I would also like to have someone seated at the supreme pedestal whom I can thank for all the successes in life in the hope that I will continue to receive his graces in future and scale new heights. It kind of gives me hope for future successes to know that today God is on my side.
So while my rational mind tells me that this belief in God at least for me stems from my inner need to depend on someone and that this need would go away if I had been emotionally more independent, the same consciousness is also blessed for the fact that there is this refuge in my mind that I can turn to for anything and everything that happens to me and emerge a stronger individual after a conversation with him/her. So do I really need to answer the question for any piece of mental satisfaction? I guess not. He might be real or he may be a figment of my imagination; He may be energy or he may just be the same nucleolar composition as me; He might be present on this world or on the next or not at all. The fact of the matter is I don’t really care as long as I can still utter those divine words – OH MY GOD!!
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