Monday, October 31, 2005

They Burnt My Home

I come back daily from work to news of bomb blasts and terrorist attacks in the Kashmir valley and it all just melts into the background of the Channel V’s and the MTV’s. They are now as much part of the daily news as the weather update and my mind doesn’t even give it a second glance. Today there was something different as I reached back home from work. As I turned the TV to the news channel, the reporter was bailing that Delhi was burning. My city, my home, saddi Delhi was reeling under the terrible carnage of serial bomb blasts. To find out that one of the sites directly affected was hardly a kilometer from where my house is was the biggest shock in my life. I always was aware of the danger of the terrorists ripping apart the place but somehow, it never occurred to me that the placid and congenial surroundings where I grew up, spent my evenings playing on the roads, took those long evening walks with my mother talking about everything from the latest math test scores to the recent love affair rocking the cousins down the street would become the graveyard of today. Those tense moments as I dialed the number of my house were probably the longest of my life and the news that my family was safe was the biggest relief that I have felt in the recent past that I can recall.
As my mother laughed on the other end and allayed my fears, my nerves calmed down and my mind wandered to the rest of the people who have been affected by the horrendous act of barbarism. It set me thinking about how the son who has lost his mother to this horrendous crime would be feeling. And I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of the father who had to pull the lifeless body of his child out from the mangled debris which served as reminders to the dance of destruction that played itself out in the evening. Scenes of the brother who had lost a sibling, a husband who had lost his wife passed one after the other on the TV screen and as I watched the wailing people line the hospitals, my eyes were filled with tears for this travesty of today’s reality.
The festival of lights turned killer today. Diwali brought death and destruction in its wake. Hundreds of unsuspecting people stepped out to the markets to shop on the festive occasion. Little did they know that the Diwali dhamaka posters on the windows of the shops were grim soothsayers of the oncoming doom. And I ask you where is the sanity of all this? We call ourselves the social animals. We call ourselves civilized human beings. And we dismiss the notion of cannibalism as a grim reminder of a so called uncivilized past. I tell you we might have progressed leaps and bounds in terms of "Science and Technology" but at the end of the day we are no more civilized than the most cannibalistic of creatures that end up eating their own offspring. Mind you even the most unsocial of creatures suckle their young till the time they are ready to fend on their own. And here we are the most well behaved of the lot that God sent down to populate this Eden killing our own brothers, butchering our own children, raping and pillaging through all that we created with our own hands. I ask those who proudly lay claim to having undertaken this inhuman cruelty in the name of some or the other equally insane motivation – how do they sleep at night knowing that the cause that they so proudly claim to endorse just gave birth to another that proves how wrong their fight is? Someone is fighting for a piece of land, someone wants revenge for how his people have been treated, a third wants a certain nameplate at the entrance to his home and there are ones who are pure mercenaries ready to do some hoodlum’s bidding to fill their own coffers. And so continues this never ending dance of hatred and destruction. In this insane march towards God knows what, scores fall by the wayside who never even got the chance to understand what it was that they laid down their happiness for?
What was the crime of the small girl who lost her legs before life slowly ebbed out of her mangled body in the arms of her father? What injustice did the mother commit in trying to get her son the ice cream he so wanted? Was the mistake of the wife who went to the market to buy a gift for her husband so costly that she had to give her life for it? I dare those barbarians who are celebrating this tragedy in their lairs to justify their cause in the light of something I don’t even have the words to describe- my vocabulary just doesn’t have the expression to depict this… this tremendous loss.
I am not saying that the people who did this started out just like this. I would still like to believe that inherently man is a good being and that only circumstances cause him to commit indecency. There must have been a just cause for causing heartburn originally for these people to have turned such barbarians. But someone somewhere has to start forgiving and someone somewhere else has to start acknowledging that gross injustices have been committed in the past and start asking for forgiveness. Only then can this vicious circle of hate be pacified. Otherwise, there is no reason whatsoever that in this world where love blossoms on the internet and people communicate across language, religion and caste barriers as freely as if sitting side by side in a hotel lounge for distances to creep in. There is no validity to the existence of notions of genocide when campaigns for saving people in the throes of crippling diseases find donors and sponsors from across latitudes and longitudes. I am not willing to submit to the fact that the only way to end this reign of terror is to foster more violence. Violence begets violence, terror begets terror and one Bush begets another Osama. Are the feelings of hate and destruction so enmeshed that even the innocent eyes of an infant cannot melt them away? Or are the feelings of harmony and compassion so fickle that the slightest of snubs can reduce them to mere figments of speech on the Aastha and God channels? They say God is all forgiving. I ask him to start punishing. If Brahma wants to see his creation not disintegrate into squabbling rats, Kali has to take centre stage. Its high time for Kalki to comes riding and restore sanity. If there is any truth to Vishnu’s tenth avatar, let him come now. If there is any more delay, I fear there may not be anything left to defend.
Today people laugh at the Gandhian philosophy of non violence to the extent that its formal usage is now within inverted quote marks in a sentence. The word only finds mention in order to garner votes in the name of the father of the nation or in the nostalgic reminisces of someone’s great old grandfather who fought by the great man’s side and won us our independence. For all other purposes, the natural reaction to terrorism is another act of violence. And then all is justified in the singular mission statement which says "One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter". So at the end of the day, peace and harmony for man reduces to a zero sum problem where for one to gain, the other has to lose. When will this achieve its saddle point? When will people realize that enough is enough? When will one man’s terrorist acknowledge his victim as his own brother and lay down his arms in respect of humanity? Not till the time we are still divided over political boundaries of control. Not till the time we are concerned about increasing gross Domestic produce at the expense of another nation. Not till the time socialism, communism, capitalism, democracy, autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy and all such ideals of "civil societies" acknowledge the root of human existence as co-dependence. Only then will the zero sum game truly reach its optimal solution and the imbalance of the world start to orient itself towards a static state of social entropy. When the entire world stands as one and counts itself as successors of a single species will brotherhood become a reality. If it takes aliens from outer space to come raining laser beams to unite us then be it. At least then we can say that my brother was killed in defense of another. If it needs a cataclysm on the global scale to embed the notion of commonality among humans, then I invite the ten plagues of Egypt to over run the entire earth. At least then all temples, mosques and churches will rise in unison to pray to God and save humankind and not India or Pakistan or America. If for Lashkar-E-Toiba to fight alongside the Indian Army it requires atomic weapon toting Martians, I myself invite this calamity. At least tomorrow’s newspaper will not curse Kashmir for today’s loss.

Connecting People

I have spent the last one year wandering around in the heartlands of hitherto unheard of territories to this mind of mine. Thanks to my employer’s policy of setting up offices with a mission "To boldly go where no sheep has ever gone before", I have witnessed life at quarters I never thought possible while I was rotting away in the lap of luxury in my early years in the National Capital. But saying that living in these places has cut me off from civilization would be farthest from the truth. In fact in these past few days, thanks to the daily updates at 8:30 p.m on the Ma News Channel, I now know more about the curious human specimen that call themselves my relatives – bloody or non bloody.
My first three and a half months in the employment of the company were spent in the service of manufacturing soaps and detergents in a non-descript place called Silvassa. I was acquainted with this place earlier on in my life only because as a kid with too much enthu to go quizzing, I had spent hours learning the capitals of various states and union territories. Though various "anchals", "khands" and "garhs" have made sure that the entire attempt is a wasted endeavor in today’s context, it however gave me a brief idea that there was a place by this name existing on the western coast of India. Trepidation happens to be one of my most constant companions at all points in life and this was no exception. The only difference this time was that it was accompanied by jitters about a job, exasperation about life alone and since the entire posse of morbidity, turbidity and all things conveying a certain sense of "lost-at-sea" were thoroughly jobless, they decided to join in for good measure. So it was with quite a hapless feel to my existence that I entered this place and took up my position among the various plodding and packing machinery churning out washing bars by the millions. Even though the place was sleepy hollow in real life, thanks to the imperialistic ambitions of the Ambanis, Mittals and their tower erecting brethren, I was quite confident of getting the all important SIM card. What was a point for concern was the signal strength in the remote area. For a person who has experienced Banaras mobile connectivity in the initial days of the cellular revolution in the country, I was painfully aware of the twitch-and-you-lose-it signals. I still remember my consternation upon being told that the signal strength was weak because my mobile phone antenna was under the sunshade! But anyway, those were the days when the teen aged Delhi school goers were celebrating Valentine’s Days without the need for photographic documentations. No doubt much water has flown in the Ganges since and I am happy to report that by the time I left college in Banaras, even Nature’s urgent calls were no deterrents to the virtual love lives of my classmates. But initial reports suggested that Silvassa was evolving at a rate that was woefully behind the national average let alone the worldly datum. I mean when the place actually has a humanoid tribal species living life in the manner of the early man, you can hardly accuse me of being at my pessimistic best. Wonder of wonders then that I was only interrupted in connectivity owing to the battery run out rather than failure of the signal at the place. In fact what became irritating in the usual course of time was the monotonous drivel which went "Tamhe je number dial kari rahe chho, teno hal mein sampark thai shaket nathi. Thodi bad pachi phone karvabhinanti" or in other civilized words, "The _____ mobile you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try later". And of course there were times when I wished that the damn thing would just conk off like when I would have my hands full of grease from the confounded pump meant to deliver the foulest smelling liquid to the foulest looking tank to make the foulest felling slurry which would finally have some perfume added to make it into the not so foul dish wash bar but was obviously sleeping on the job and my boss of course wanted the latest update on the same. The phone gave me minimal reasons to complain and I was more than thankful for its unembellished performance even during the floods when the ceaseless rains caused the damn dam to break and caused mayhem all around. So it was that Silvassa was a true revelation that even though a part of our population might still be cooking food over firewood, they might just be downloading the recipe for the latest roast from the information highway. Wonders never cease you know!
Leaving Silvassa, I thought that I had left remoteness far behind when they dumped me in the Marathi hinterland at a place bereft of water and overrun with Sunshine called Khamgaon. It was only upon reaching the factory that I realized that it was possible to locate human habitation 20 miles behind the back of beyond. Seeing the desolation all around, thoughts of marooning with only a day’s supply of rum and a gun with a single bullet once again swarmed my mind. But thank goodness for India shining that even though the info screen on my phone showed that I was standing at a place that was 20 miles from where I actually was, the signal bothered least to locate my exact postal address in order to connect me to my near and dear ones and of course my Ma (no amount of nearness and dearness depicted in "near and dear ones" can describe her. Therefore, the separate mention.) Agreed that the backend of the mixer was a blackout area for my phone but I think that I can pardon the service for this. After all I am sure that neither Airtel nor Hutch anticipated Cockroaches to be potential customers ever. (That could however be a costly oversight. They are after all going to inherit the earth once India and Pakistan decide to shove the No First Use policy up the Siachen). When even Khamgaon failed to keep Ma from relaying the freshest scandal dogging my seventh cousin thrice removed in the city of Timbuctoo, I rested assured that as long as batteries stood their stead, Nokia would be justified in their corporate mission perennially.
Since then, I have toured the wilderness of Bhuj, stepped gingerly onto the soil of a place called Orai, trekked across the mountainous terrain in the Himachal, taken evening walks in the air of Surabaya, Indonesia, ambled across the aisles of the Singapore airport, trudged up to a non descript fort in the western ghats and crossed highways in Kolhapur but the familiar ring has never deserted me. It hasn’t taken me long to realize the importance of empowering people through connectivity. Nowadays, problems in factories get solved through single phone calls to engineering back offices cutting across time and geographical boundaries. Firing subordinates through a single e mail is as easy as apple pie. All my friend needs to keep his girlfriend happy is to keep her inbox inundated with lovey dovey SMSs and if ever he decides to spend his life with the female in question, I think he could be excused for counting Sunil Mittal as an important wedding invitee. When my rickshaw driver pulled out his cell phone and curtly told the person on the other end that he was driving and he would call back when he was free, I realized how indispensable a part of our lives this pint sized device was now. Thanks to Graham Bell’s clumsiness in the laboratory and people who have kept spilling this invention over the hurdles ever since, even though it has been about a year since I have seen my mother, her voice still takes me home every night. And one last message before I sign off to the indispensible cellular service providers - "May your network always follow us wherever we go so that we may keep expressing oursleves and forever stay connected" . Amen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

So I am Fat....

You say that it’s my fault that I am fat and I say that you are wrong. You say that I have not tried to keep myself in check and I challenge you to prove my intentions inappropriate. You say that I am what I am because of long years of neglect on my part and I say lets have a debate.
So let’s start with the first step towards a more socially acceptable figure also known as the "Optimum diet". Numerous people I have talked to have told me to watch what I eat with the promise that I would be better off. So I did. I took a rather hard look at the piece of cake before downing it. For added effect I gazed at the fries for a whole of five minutes and only ate it when the growl of the stomach reminded me of the disappearing lions of Gir. Just to double check that I wasn’t missing out on the watching part, I made sure I took an absolutely unflinching view of the entire process of the food being cooked right from the part when my nani diced the raw materials upto the point when they made the hissing entry into the frying pan. I did not take my eyes off the entire event till the time it was cooked and ready to devour. The result – I was heavier by two pounds after the lunch than before it. And you said I didn’t try.
But something tells me that you are far from satisfied at my efforts. So let’s try the next one shall we? That ever popular routine of "exercise". Let me assure you that I have left no opportunity to dispense this ritual daily. I exercise my will, my rights, my understanding; my whole goddamn existence is defined through exercise I tell you. Just to make sure that there was nothing that you could hold against me, I actually went to the extents of lifting this abnormally heavy frame of mine and trudging across to the nearest polling booth to do what else but exercise my right to vote. Though I knew that it was going to serve the same purpose of choosing between the one promising to murder me by increasing the petrol prices and another promising to starve me to death by making LPG costlier, I still did it. Come to think of it, I should have actually given a valid vote in favor of the second one. Probably would have "leaned" me towards the path of "well toned six packs". Drat, so you have one point. But that does not mean that I was found wanting in my efforts towards the holy grail of "fitness".
But I guess that is still not enough for you was it? You are still not willing to let me off the hook and agree to the fact that it is purely God’s will that my girth has assumed planetary gravitational significance. You still think that I should have done more to help my cause. So let me make it abundantly clear that I am sick and tired of trying. I have no inclination to win this debate. So what if Kofi Annan might find in me a valid reason for pinning the starvation of Ethiopia? So what if they embarked on that marketing gimmick of buy one Pizza get the second free so that people of my size could have a satisfying meal experience? So what if Levis and Lacoste do not target my segment because the manufacturing costs would never justify the production exercise? So what if you have to specially reserve a 2X2 grid space for me in your vision sphere when I come into the viewing window that defines your ophthalmic range? That’s all your problem isn’t it. As long as I am happy with how and what I am, nothing that you jibe or sneer at is going to cloud my sun. As long as there are sinful cuisines ready to delight my sensory perceptions, the fit and fine routine can take a hike. As long as I can justify my appearance as a well fed existence, I am abdominally opulent and you my friend are just plain chicken – to admit it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wanted.... Increasing Waistlines

Gone are the days when the well toned waistline was the envy of millions and my tribe with the bulging midriff was relegated to the backend of the social "exercise". Gone are the days when those six packs could garner all the glory and the only gainful employment for the pelvic bone was to help trousers do their job of saving our "you-know-what(s)". True that some ultra special specimen of our species of the superhero kind manufactured in the courtyards of the Marvel(s) and Kings syndicate(s) did give this long neglected body part some respect with that utility belt of theirs but then again you cant pin the hopes of survival of an entire species on a glorious few can you (look what happened to Superman’s planet!!)? Agreed also that the true blue boys of the law enforcement agencies also showed some respect to the waistline by stowing their firepower in heir hip hugging holsters but well then again I believe people like me were in the majority and the waist still wallowed in the depths of obscurity only to surface in times of ridicule when those usual run of the mill jokes about the commonality between chocolates and a man were discussed by utterly inebriated party hoppers or just plain engineering college undergrads soaking in the sun in their hostel lobbies.
It would be unfair to say that nobody had taken care of the waist line till recent times. The credit for bestowing some credibility to my dear friend goes to the ubiquitous traveler. The ones with the waist pouch entrusting all their passports, cameras, money, etc to that small bag clipped around their waist. But then again the waist only got the attention when the entire family enjoyed the LTC and how often was that? Once in two years or so? Not enough, absolutely pitiful I would say. And even in times of this sabbatical from oblivion, only the waist on the member of the family carrying the case was in prominence while the rest still were in the relegation zone.
It wasn’t long before a certain Japanese fellow realized the missing music in his morning jog and it was fate that he had a company and an entire posse of thoroughly unoccupied engineers at his beck and call to deliver his requirement for a better early morning running experience. Out came the walkman and our friend had a peek at stardom that was sure to come. But this invention proved to be a fickle friend itself, but all its future cousins in the forms of Discmans, etc kept our waist in good company.
The revolution began silently for our dear friend and though the rest of the world took notice of this new development in an entirely different light, the biggest beneficiary of course was laughing behind the curtains. The true turn around for our protagonist began with the advent of the mobile phones. Those trendy little communicating devices which occupied much more than just a share of our talk time. In time they have come to control almost every aspect of our lives from our phone numbers to our bank accounts and of course who can live by forgetting his wife’s birth anniversary? In the growing indispensability of the mobile phone, we unknowingly began the quest for a suitable place on this skeletal frame of ours to carry it. And the one who rose to the challenge was of course the waist. I am truly honored to note the tremendous entrepreneurial skill shown by this otherwise inactive part of the body to grab the opportunity by the horns and tame it. Very conveniently we started clipping our cellphones to our belts and freely trotting about everywhere.
With the cellphone, the waist had arrived but wasn’t truly in the limelight as yet. The next step was taken with the PDA! Now people were no longer content with opening that laptop of theirs and working away from office. True mobility was defined as working on the move literally and the PDA found its way onto the waist firmly beside the mobile phone. The waist was gaining in real estate importance with these two figureheads keeping good company to the traveler’s pouch when up came the mp3 player. Looking around for a place to rest, it too decided on the now upgraded and plush environs of the waist and shook hands with the phone, PDA and the traveler’s pouch.
Around this time, space started becoming increasingly scarce on the waist and it was then that my tribe with the girth of a little planet assumed some form of significance in being able to arrange all our important companions neatly around the abdominal circumference. So you see the electronic revolution gave the people with that extra pound of place the reason to smile that we have so long been looking for. So much is the attention on that waist space now that waist clips have become standard accessories to almost any new electronic invention. It is when we see the troubled executive hunting for his PDA in the depths of his jacket, that we withdraw ours in a flash from the left hip in a flash. And how’s that time when that flustered female keeps hunting in her handbag for that ring-your-head-off-with-embarassing-ringtone-set-by-kid cellphone while all that us well fed discerning users of technology need is a vibratory alarm to receive the call? It is now with the advent of technology that people have started realizing the importance of having a rather fuller waist to accommodate all those utilitarian requirements. Bon apetit! Your waist needs space.

Idle Mind... Interested Observer

As I sat down to a long wait for the plane ride at the newly furbished Mumbai Airport, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. The day had not particularly gone well for me and for some one who is conversant with my "days", he/she will realize that this must have been one of those when the higher being had answered yes to all prayers in his inbox (I have of course been listed under spam ever since birth) with the result that my boss got to kick my you know what from earth to the seventh moon of the planet doubledoom in the Galaxy Ultra-Despondency and back and my colleagues got to watch me trudge out of the office with a face longer than the Trans Siberian railway line. This was of course right after the head stewardess on the Singapore Airlines flight had made my miserable existence reach a newer low with the totally demeaning baggage weight problem. And so it was that as I made my way to check into the Jet Airways flight, I was acutely aware of a nagging thought that they might just have instructed the guard at the entrance itself to kick me out to save the time and embarrassment of them having to do it themselves. But nothing of that sort happened and when the lady at the other end of the counter actually waived me through without docking me for the tremendous amount of excess baggage (once again) that I was carrying, I sheepishly looked around half expecting Yamraj on his bull waiting to relieve this world of my burden now that my last wish had been fulfilled. After a thorough recon of the entire premises where I made absolutely sure of the fact that nothing untoward was actually in the offing, I settled down into the lounge and for the first time in a particularly long time observed the people around me.
Right across my seat was this young woman traveling with her father. What caught my eyes wasn’t the fact that she was probably the most beautiful girl I have ever come across but her interactions with her father. She doted on him as only a daughter could and "Uncleji" for his part could not have been more grateful for the fact that she was there by his side. They talked about a hundred different things ranging from her love life which she vehemently denied to his over growing abdominal opulence which he vehemently defended. Their make believe bickering between the constant reminders of soon to be forgotten medicine doses had me in a state of trance when suddenly walks in this newly wed couple all decked up in their marital brilliance. The two were inseparable and it was almost as if her hands had been somehow welded to his. Thank the lord for the guy’s bathroom break and the airport authority’s good judgment in building separate toilets for males and females or the people of the lounge would have actually thought of them as Siamese twins joined at the palm. This bathroom break also allowed my eyes to wander from them onto a group of Japanese ladies obviously touring the country. What made this senior citizen group interesting was of course the fact that they did not speak a single letter of English. So for the first time in many days I got to see what I might have looked like during my interactions in Indonesia. They went from pillar to post trying to figure out when there flight was taking off and every time they asked someone new, the inquisition invariably ended with all the people involved squealing in laughter at the utter helplessness of both – the ones in need of help and the ones wanting to. But what struck me was the fact that when you are with a group of people in the same predicament as yours, somehow the worst of situations are comic rather than tragic. All the Grandmas of course were successfully bundled off to hopefully their correct flight and the lounge returned to a ground state.
My roving eyes were once again searching for some fodder when they fell on this stumbling toddler who thought that every new pair of trousers was some different species worth exploring the girth of. So it was that this little guy barely reaching upto the knees of all those gathered there at the lounge kept on hugging leg after leg after leg with his bemused father keeping a close look from 2 steps behind until he came to the one leg that belonged to his mother and then he hugged no more. The little blob of flesh knew instantly without even looking up that this sari belonged to the one person that mattered most to him and that his search for the elusive specimen of humans was over. Lifted from the ground and lovingly admonished for his thoroughly despicable behavior, he craned his neck over his mother’s shoulder to make sure that his smiling father knew that he was back home. A blink later he was snoring soundly as his parents went around proudly displaying their little gift to the people whose legs had been hugged and wanted to know more about Mr Explorer there.
All this while there was this gentleman sitting next to me looking as if he had returned home to find his apartment robbed of everything except a broken wash basin which he would have to reimburse the landlord for. Hello brother I said!! This is the one person who would know what it was like to be me. I could probably have looked into us having been separated at birth in a mall (Kumbh is so clichéd) but his flight was announced just then and he scurried off at a speed that would have done India’s chances at some Olympics a world of good. Hope he finds some sort of peace in life. Will remember you my friend every time my lips curl up happily and will be more than happy to share it with you.
I still had an hour to go before my plane was scheduled and by this time the place was getting crowded with all sorts of people. There was this "socialite" female dressed to kill through eyesores and next to her was this power suit clad businessman ready to strike the next million dollar deal right then and there. Of course no airport is complete without the quintessential Gujju pariwar returning from some foren land with gifts for the entire Garba dancing community of theirs and we had our share of them as well. But of course everything is after all "saru chhe". Another constant fixture at the lounge has to be Bunty puttar with mummy te daddy – our boisterous cousins from the land of Beas and they were not found wanting in their share of antics on this day either. The usual posse of low hip jeans wearing girlfriends chatting on their fresh off the shelf mobile phones to their boyfriends and metro-sexual males making Shahrukh Khan look justifiable in the role of Asoka "D Grade" strutting across the hall was not left behind either.
So it was that I kept myself entertained till the time they actually announced my flight and then also this peculiar circus did not stop playing itself out. One last piece of entertainment was left yet as an aunty got hauled up for her handbag at the final door before boarding the bus to the plane. It would have been a no contest had either of the parties relented but the aunty wouldn’t let go of her purse because she was of the opinion that whatever they had observed now should have been checked in the security check while the authorities were obviously onto something like Tom onto Jerry. The entire episode culminated in a high intensity spilling of the contents of the hand bag and believe me the number of things that came out, Jack could have in that box and I wouldn’t have been surprised. The first off the bag were the lipsticks followed by some weird form of hairbrushes. Pretty soon cluttered on the table were compacts, 3 different handkerchiefs, papers of all kinds, passports of the entire family, specs to suite every occasion and I finally stopped counting when an entire array of Maybelline products made themselves at home on the table as if it were a showroom shelf. But it did keep me enthralled I must admit.
The flight to Pune was quite scarcely populated giving me ample time to reflect on all that I had seen at the lounge. Flashes of the girl with her father, the newlyweds, the toddler and his doting parents, the entire gang of Japanese tourists, the harrowed businessman and the entire cast and crew of all others who made that particular afternoon at the Chatrapati Shivaji Domestic Airport Terminal 1B so memorable just whizzed across my eyes. And it was then that I realized the power of faces and actions. Human faces in every shape and size, every emotion, every line and eyebrow telling you something, every lip curl denoting a different notion altogether, every twitch of the forehead saying an entire passage, every blink of the eye spilling the events of the entire day like a bestseller to the avid reader, every nod of the head telling the person next to you your feelings, every step presenting you in your unadulterated best. All it took was an afternoon of miserable idleness for me to make an acquaintance with at least twenty different people I have never met in my life and will most probably never even see again. Without saying a word, I was privy to the deepest, most intense secrets of a score of people and they waltzed into mine. All it took was an afternoon of total abandon in an airport lounge to realize the greatest show that is life. Play on….

Monday, October 03, 2005

A Letter... Amongst Other Thin(k)s

Date: 1st October 1, 2005
Place: A weirdly named building called Puncak marina on the island of Java more specifically in a place called Surabaya and very specifically on the 16th floor of this particular building and to be Google Map specific, the double bed in the master bedroom of the apartment numbered 5 by the Foul mouthing (read Bahasa speaking) management of this building presently occupied by Yours truly…
Time of start of catastrophe: noon, 15th June, 1982 (oops I forgot we were talking about this particular event and not the cause of all troubles of the world. Cancel that one out. Do send me cards if you will to celebrate your superiority over at least one specimen of the humanoid species on this particular date every year) anyway correct that last piece of information to read 6:30 a.m.

Dear God,
This is for your kind information that iPod and me have safely landed in India. I hope this letter finds you in the pink of health though I am sure that the news of me plaguing the country of Bapu on his 136th birth anniversary will not leave you in the best of spirits but for that travesty of fate kindly direct your wrath on the Singapore Airlines not me. I can see that you have already bombed Bali to express your displeasure against the fact that the confounded country was unable to snuff out my existence when it had the chance and please accept my condolences in this hour of grief for you. Better luck next time.
At the risk of inviting further wrath (like that has a chance of getting bet on) may I congratulate you on some pretty commendable minions that you sent across to make my journey back home a living hell but I guess your torture school will have to up the ante a little to extinguish this plague. The entire routine of getting me late in the morning by making me forget to set my alarm on the one day that mattered was an absolute stroke of genius I must admit. And may I take this opportunity to tender my apologies for starting the day with three unforgivable F***(s) but a man has to motivate himself after all. And while we are in the process of mutual admiration, you must admit that I outdid myself by turning in the apartment at the cost of just one broken glass within half an hour and within the security deposit. You must have really felt bad on seeing that superintendent have to let me go without laying a finger on me and accepting the apartment back but you did live to fight another hour didn’t you?
I must say that I was surprised to find that you didn’t go to the lengths of depriving me of a taxi at the opportune moment or at the least bring down the mother of all traffic jams to leave me stranded without even the linguistic capabilities to mouth communicative expletives to the people that mattered. Now that you look at it, I think you realize that was the biggest mistake wasn’t it? You could have had me right there. But hindsight is after all 20/20. No harm done. I must admit though that you did more than make up for your mistake there.
Ready though I was for your Halloween tricks on the airport, I did not appreciate that one about making me trudge the entire length of the place without any one game for dumb charades. That was a cheap shot but I guess we do have to be bigger men and look over this. I forgive you for that. I would really like to know though your thoughts at the time I discovered that your camouflaged entrance. I am sure it must have been disappointment to see me achieve that task without the need for Hercules but I guess I did provide enough entertainment later to help you get over the shock.
At this time I must acknowledge your brilliance. I mean that thing about you being the ultimate strategist does have some truth in it after all. I doubt if the worst Jaffars in history could have upped the following villainy. Stupendously fantastic I must admit. I mean who would have ever thought up of making me almost cry on account of the baggage that I was carrying. You are after all God aren’t you? You didn’t make me have excess baggage. No that wouldn’t have been your style. I mean where’s the supremacy in that? You, on the other hand presented me with an optimization problem. I must tell you though that I did not realize that you were spying on me sleeping in Mausi’s class. How else could you have known that Newton-Rhaphson iteration that she droned about and I only dreamt about would be the one thing that would save my life and I would of course not be armed with the correct tools for the occasion. Man I got to hand it to you. Let me just word the problem for the benefit of the uninitiated reader here
“Cabin bag plus check in luggage within the total weight limit. Check in baggage more than twice independent weight limit. Weights of shirts, pants, underpants, half used bars of soap inside cabin baggage unknown. Optimize the weight of the check in bag and the cabin bag so that the chief bitch of stewardesses would allow you to board the plane.”
I could have so made an excel sheet of the same problem but all I managed to make was a sight of myself. Sprawled on the floor of the check in counter with my bags spewing knickers and snackers all over the place, I could have cried if someone had just asked me to. That reminds me – thank you for not asking me to! An overly obese extremely dark unpolaroidworthy face has difficulty in justifying its presence in public as it is. Coupled with salty tear droplets and I am sure I would have nudged the Bali bomber from the top place in the news that day purely for disgust value.
Must have been a pretty sucky feeling to see your perfect plan go a begging and me walking into the lounge but well a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. No hard feelings I hope (I know that’s wishful thinking but no harm in applying to your better judgment is there?) Tell me something though, that spilling of the entire Pringle’s pack was planned or was that entirely on the spur of the moment? If I didn’t know you better I would say that you had planned this also but I guess this had you at your improvisational best written all across it. I guess seeing me do the mop up was a pretty satisfying experience but you would have definitely wanted to do much better.
What happened to you in Singapore? I mean an entire 4 hours and you didn’t conjure up any dark force to pick my guts from within the depths of my gastrointestinal cavity? Not even when I was having my burger at Burger King? You could have made me spill the Sprite at the least but no nothing. I must admit I was pretty scared at your inaction. Kind of like the lull before the storm. I will not lie about not enjoying your period of siesta but I did expect the computer to return my photo as an Interpol most wanted any time. Thanks for not ruining the Changi experience for me. It was amazing. You have a heart after all. Nice to know that.I guess you gave up on me kicking the bucket during this trip of mine inside Indonesia. Must admit I was pretty cagey all the way to bed that night in the guest house. Half expected the AC to blow in my face or the fan to crash on the bed at the least but I guess you have decided that I am too important a source of entertainment to be let go of so easily. So I hope that the show was to your liking. Pleased to be of service. And I know you wouldn’t hesitate to call on me but could you cancel me out of your schedule for tonight? Am meeting a long time friend and he does not know about our special Jester-Master relationship. Would hate to get him involved in it. After all he is not named Saurabh Dey is he?